Monday, August 8, 2011

Sample of OST or Sound Track for the Final Project

Hi there, since assignment one,two and three is finish we are going into the final stage for this major subject, The Final Project. I not so sure about how the project will be because lecturer himself say he will change the brief. Anyway, i decide to use this two songs for this project. If the title is free for us to choose, I wanted to make a video about a revive of a team. =) Hope this two songs are pass, but i will be only using one song to make this project. ^^ Till the next update, I now need to rest my mind just like what the lecturer ask us to do so. ^^

Original Song from:
Vocal - ビートまりお and あまね
Arrangement - myu314
Album - ぎりぎり☆あまねりお (Girigiri☆Amanerio)

Original Song from
ZUN- Team Shanghai Alice
月まで届け、不死の煙 (Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke)
東方永夜抄 ~ Touhou Imperishable Night Fujiwara no Mokou's theme

Re-make by
Vocals: 茶太
Arrangement: 黒鳥
Lyrics: くまりす
Band: EastNewSound
Album: Definite Energy

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