Typography is the art of arranging of text/type. Typography involved the selection of typeface (A block of text that shared the same design, or simply the design of the type), point size (relative measure of the size of text), line length(width occupied by a block of typeset text), leading (line spacing) and tracking (space between groups of letter). Usually, text is arranged to create a readable, coherent and visually satisfying work that communicated something. Text can be arranged in a way to increase readability or legibility. Legibility is the primitive concern of the typographer toward the distinguishable of each individual character. Legibility is how easy an individual character can be recognized. Readability is the primitive concern of the typographer toward the readable of the content. Readability is how easy a block of text can be read and understand. Other can create readable content, typography also used for graphic design. For example, display typography is used to for graphic design and the readability is less concern and it more about using the type in an artistic manner. Typography also is used to set mood and atmosphere and it always used in advertising. Classical fonts can be used to create strong personality while modern fonts are for a cleaner and neutral look.
(source taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typography)
After all the research, I decide to use back my old topic, Anonymous.
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